Potassium deficiency may lead to muscular cramps, twitching, and irregular heartbeat .


Fuji apples have a sweet flavor, a yellow and red peel, and a juicy, crisp texture — all factors that may contribute to their widespread popularity .
In several studies, Fuji apples consistently show a higher polyphenol content than other apple varieties .
One animal study determined that polyphenols from Fuji apples may help prevent heart and liver injury by lowering blood cholesterol levels and improving liver enzyme markers .
One test-tube study also found that Fuji apple extract affected liver cells to improve glucose metabolism. Anthocyanidins are the pigments responsible for red, blue, and purple hues in fruits and vegetables. What’s the Healthiest Apple? 5 of the Best Types
Apples are a nutritious, tasty choice full of beneficial plant compounds and dietary fiber. It supports your bones and teeth while regulating nerve and muscle function .

Granny Smith

You may easily recognize Granny Smith apples by their bright green color and slightly tart flavor.
Research shows that they contain no anthocyanidins, as demonstrated by their lack of red, blue, or purple color. Research on Golden Delicious apples is a perfect example of that .
For instance, two studies found that, when compared with certain Italian and Chinese apple varieties, Golden Delicious apples had the lowest content of almost all the phenolic compounds .
Additionally, two other studies analyzing Himalayan and Brazilian cultivars found that Golden Delicious apples had the highest content of certain phenols — namely epicatechin and chlorogenic acid .
Thus, the antioxidant-related benefits of Golden Delicious apples may vary depending on their origin.
Regardless, both the peel and the pulp of this tasty variety contain some amount of the minerals iron, zinc, and potassium. Every variety has its own unique combination of antioxidants, making them diverse and delightful.
Although the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” may not be medically accurate, there are still plenty of reasons to enjoy apples regularly.
Apples are among the most popular and widely consumed fruits in the world. In fact, different apple varieties feature significantly varying amounts and types of polyphenols, which affects their health benefits .
This article reviews the nutritional qualities of 5 of the most popular apple varieties.

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Red Delicious

When I think of apples, Red Delicious apples’ dark red color and sweet flavor come to mind, resembling the classic red apple pictured in movies, cartoons, and paintings.
Research suggests that red-skinned apples have more anthocyanidins than other varieties. This is due to their content of carotenoids, the pigments responsible for yellow and orange colors in fruits and vegetables
Like polyphenols, carotenoids are a group of antioxidants. For example, research suggests that people with lean bodies have a greater Bacteroidete to Firmicute ratio than people with obesity .
However, more studies in humans are needed.

Golden Delicious

As the name implies, Golden Delicious apples are not red but yellow-skinned. Among their many health benefits, antioxidants may help prevent cancer, inflammation, heart disease, and weight gain .
Perhaps surprisingly, apples are considered a major source of antioxidants in the United States and worldwide
If you’ve ever browsed the supermarket’s produce aisle wondering if the nutritional benefits vary among apple varieties, know that the short answer is yes — and that this has a lot to do with these polyphenol antioxidants.
Polyphenols are part of the reason different apples have their characteristic colors and flavors. Besides being easily accessible and boasting a shelf life of up to a year, they’re also highly nutritious
They’re rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and polyphenols. They also happen to be antioxidants belonging to the polyphenol group.
Besides anthocyanidins, Red Delicious apples contain high levels of polyphenols called epicatechin, flavonoids, flavonols, and phloridzin .
Studies have determined that the antioxidant content is higher in the peel than in the pulp, although this applies to all apple varieties (2Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source).
Besides these many polyphenols, Red Delicious apples contain at least 28 additional bioactive compounds, all of which contribute to their health benefits.
A study that compared the mineral content of five apple cultivars grown in Pakistan, including Kashmiri Amri, Sky Spur, Kala Kulu, Golden Delicious, and Red Delicious, determined that Red Delicious had the most calcium in both the peel and the pulp .
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in your body. Polyphenols are a group of antioxidants, molecules that fight free radicals in your body. Still, they have other benefits to offer .
One animal study found that fiber from Granny Smith apples could modify gut microbiota profiles in mice with obesity to resemble those of lean mice, suggesting a potential weight control capacity .
This is because the composition of your gut microbiota — the friendly bacteria in your gut — may influence your weight. This suggests that Fuji apples may improve insulin resistance, the primary symptom of type 2 diabetes, although research in humans is needed .


Gala apples are another red, sweet type of apple.
Research suggests that they contain high levels of polyphenols throughout their ripening stages, with catechin being the predominant type .
What’s more, they appear to protect against heart disease by lowering the main risk factors.
One 6-week study in 46 people observed that eating three Gala apples per day reduced obesity-associated inflammation, which is directly linked to increased heart disease risk.
A 13-day study in mice found that Gala apple juice significantly reduced total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol levels .
Still, keep in mind that larger human studies are needed before researchers can draw any firm conclusions. Aside from their antioxidant activity, carotenoids also benefit eye and heart health and improve brain function .
Environmental factors like location, altitude, rainfall, and temperature are believed to affect the antioxidant content of apples.


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